Plain and simple, Windows Vista is a DOG!!! It could be the worst performing operating system Microsoft has produced...period. It takes a ultra capable Core 2 Duo processing unit and makes it a door stop. You will need a minimum of 2 GB of RAM just to run the base OS effectively. That's before trying to run any applications. 1 GB just doesn't cut it anymore. I have a Pentium 1, 166 Mhz laptop that boots Windows 98 in half the time. Ridiculous.
And as for Civil 3D running on Vista...well I am a glutton for punishment but I actually had it working until I applied Service Pack 3. Now I get a Fatal Error when trying to open the program. I read in Heidi Hewitt's blog that Autodesk is working on a patch for AutoCAD 2007 and Windows Vista. But even with a patch, stay with Windows XP / Pro. You'll be glad you did.
Clovr says:
"Having booted up Vista on said laptop yesterday evening, I can verify
that it took me less time to watch a TV show than it did for Vista to do
its thing.
Mr. Gates, is Vista your 'New Coke'?"
specs on said laptop
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